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Sustainability Statement 2024

Discover Mildura is committed to maintaining the lightest possible footprint in all aspects of their operations. As a "micro business" husband and wife partnership, they have implemented the following sustainability practices:

  • Actively maintain a reduce, reuse, and recycle waste policy.
  • Regularly maintain vehicles to help reduce emissions.
  • Encourage sustainability and eco-friendly discussions, especially around climate change, in all aspects of storytelling.
  • Streamline bookings for efficiency.
  • Actively discourage single-use plastics and request that people use their own water thermoses.
  • Source and use recyclable eco-friendly materials wherever possible.
  • Implement a take-in/take-out policy for National Parks and other visited sites.
  • Actively pick up and dispose of/recycle waste at sites visited.
  • Source local seasonal foods to help reduce food miles and carefully plan catering requirements to minimize food wastage.
  • Sort food waste carefully, sending it to green waste or a worm farm.
  • Operate a home-based office to efficiently use power and water.
  • Use recycled paper for printed materials, including brochures and other stationery.
  • Concentrate marketing in the digital world to reduce the need for printed materials.
  • Do not print receipts for payments, providing them via email or text instead.
  • Use eco-friendly cleaning products and materials, being early adopters of Enjo products.
  • Encourage customer feedback on all aspects of experiences in order to continuously improve practices.

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